Profit-sharing agreement (USA) — A profit sharing agreement in the United States is the agreement that establishes a pension plan maintained by the employer to share its profits with its employees.HistoryA profit sharing agreement used to be supplemental to a type of pension… … Wikipedia
profit-sharing — UK US (also profit sharing) noun [U] ► HR a system by which employees receive a part of the profits of a business: »The company s costs increased due to higher employee profit sharing. »a profit sharing agreement/plan/scheme … Financial and business terms
profit-sharing ratio — PSR The ratio in which the profits or losses of a business are shared. For a partnership, the profit sharing ratios will be set out in the partnership agreement. This will show the amount, usually given as a percentage of the total profits,… … Accounting dictionary
profit-sharing ratio — PSR The ratio in which the profits or losses of a business are shared. For a partnership, the profit sharing ratios will be set out in the partnership agreement This will show the amount, usually given as a percentage of the total profits,… … Big dictionary of business and management
profit-sharing — profˈit sharing noun A voluntary agreement under which an employee receives a share, fixed beforehand, of the profits of a business • • • Main Entry: ↑profit * * * ˈprofit sharing [profit sharing] noun uncountabl … Useful english dictionary
Production Sharing Agreement — (PSA) ist eine Vertragsform bei Erdöl Erdgaskonzessionen, bei der sich eine oder mehrere Erdölunternehmen und das Gastland die Erdöl bzw Erdgasproduktion nach einem festgelegten Schlüssel teilen. Dabei wird zwischen Cost Oil und Profit Oil… … Deutsch Wikipedia
production sharing agreement — (PSA) USA An agreement between a government and a company in which the government awards to the company the right to extract and develop a natural resource (for example, mineral ore or oil). Under a PSA, the company bears the financial risk of… … Law dictionary
Production sharing agreement — Production sharing agreements (PSAs) are a common type of contract signed between a government and a resource extraction company (or group of companies) concerning how much of the resource (usually oil) extracted from the country each will… … Wikipedia
Production Sharing Agreements — Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) ist eine Vertragsform bei Erdöl Erdgaskonzessionen, bei der sich eine oder mehrere Erdölunternehmen und das Gastland die Erdöl bzw Erdgasproduktion nach einem festgelegten Schlüssel teilen. Dabei wird zwischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
partnership agreement — articles of partnership An agreement made between the partners of a partnership. In the absence of either an express or an implied agreement the provisions of the Partnership Act (1890) apply. These provisions are also applicable if an agreement… … Accounting dictionary
partnership agreement — articles of partnership An agreement made between the partners of a partnership In the absence of either an express or an implied agreement the provisions of the Partnership Act (1890) apply. These provisions are also applicable if an agreement… … Big dictionary of business and management